
Meher Baba Manifesting


In 1930, the Meher League was formed in Bombay. It brought out a small quarterly newspaper entitled the Meher Gazzette. This magazine contained all the features of a newspaper,from poetry to prose, from advertisements to Baba's messages. It was published from 1930 until 1938 when it ceased publication and incorporated with the new Meher Baba Journal.

PDF Scans viewable on Issuu.com. Here are the issue links below:

Meher Gazette Volumes One
Meher Gazette Volumes Two
Meher Gazette Volumes Three
Meher Gazette Volumes Four
Meher Gazette Volumes Five
Meher Gazette Volumes Six
Meher Gazette Volumes Seven

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Volume One Number One Alternate Clean Version
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Reference to Meher Gazette Vol 7 Num 1 & 2

Reference to Meher Gazette Vol 7 Num 3